MISSION STATEMENT To deliver quality services to individuals and families by providing a range of support services and programmes in a manner that is safe, confidential and respectful of people’s capabilities and needs.
KŌRERO WHAKATAKANGA Kia tukunga ngā mahi huanga ki tētahi tangata ki te whānau rānei, mā te wharatonga te maha o ngā mahi tautoko, rāua tahi ko ngā whakahaerenga, i roto i te kaitiakitanga pai, te matapono, te whakaute ā ka pūawai ngā maia, ngā hiahia o te tangata.
Morrinsville Community House is an Incorporated Society (No. HN/598226) and is registered with the Charities Commission (No. CC34565). Above photo: Fairfax Media